As 2021 draws to a close and we reflect on the past 12 months it is fair to say that we have all faced another challenging year both personally and professionally. Despite the ongoing difficulties presented by the COVID19 pandemic I am pleased to report that, whilst it was not entirely unaffected, golf fared better than many other sports. I must extend my sincere thanks to the relevant Ministries and to the Management and Operational Staff at each of the golf courses for their ongoing support and commitment which has resulted in the courses only being closed for a minimal amount of time. I must also thank you, the golfers, for your understanding and help in ensuring that there was no reason given to identify golf as a high-risk activity.
It was very encouraging to see club level events resume after the summer and more recently to send our National Team to several regional events as well as being able to host the OHI Oman Amateur Opens. We look forward to a fuller domestic season in 2022 which we hope will include the Pan Arab Ladies and Junior Championships taking place in Oman. Sadly, the Oman Open will not be played in 2022 but discussions with the DP World Tour are ongoing to have it return to the schedule in 2023.
Our National Teams are now under the guidance of Peter Bailey who has joined us as Golf Development and National Team Manager. Having arrived in October Peter’s immediate task was to ready the players for the Asia Pacific Amateur Championship in the UAE and the Pan Arab Men’s Championship in Egypt. Selection for both tournaments was made through qualifying events which resulted in Ahmed Al Wahaibi joining Azaan Al Rumhy in the Asia Pacific and Ayman Al Busaidi, Fahad Al Kitani, Hamood Al Harthy and Azaan Al Rumhy representing Oman in the Pan Arab Championships. With Ahmed and Ayman still being part of the Junior National Team their qualification to represent Oman at men’s level bodes well for the future. I am also pleased to report that Oman’s influence on golf in the region continues to be strong with our recent appointment onto the Arab Golf Federation’s Executive Committee.
As our thoughts turn to 2022, we look forward to resuming our GOladies and GOjunior programmes as well as continuing to develop and deploy our GOgreen Sustainability Strategy which includes a key relationship with Haya Water through which the golf courses will provide green waste and in return will receive support on the cost of their treated irrigation water. This, along with several other initiatives, firmly supports Oman Vision 2040 and is a great example of how golf can contribute positively to the Sultanate of Oman.
As a non-profit sports organization we rely upon the support of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth, the Oman Olympic Committee, our partners including Sohar Aluminium, Moore, and Haya Water, our sponsors including OHI and Oman LNG, and you, our golfers, through your annual subscriptions, to allow us to continue our efforts to grow the game of golf in the Sultanate. On behalf of the Oman Golf Association, I would like to thank each of you and wish you a healthy and prosperous 2022.
Mundhir Al Barwani
Oman Golf Association